Radford/Montgomery Fall Product Sale 2020

Fall Product Sale 2020 Banner

2020 Fall Product Sale

Sale Dates: September 25–December 6, 2020

Theme: Bravely Be You, Trust Your Strengths

Allergy & Nutrition Information: Available on the Ashdon Farms site.

Warning Icon

Due to COVID-19, GSVSC recommends you use the online program for the Fall Product Sale. If you decide to use the order card, please adhere to the GSVSC IDP, CDC and Virginia guidelines such as social distancing, wearing a mask and hand sanitizing.

Key Contact Information

Service Unit Product Sales Manager: Traci Gardner daisytroop1004@gmail.com
Ashdon Farms Customer Service: 1-800-274-3666
M2 Technical & Customer Support: question@gsnutsandmags.com, 1-800-372-8520
Online Program Site: https://gsnutsandmags.com/gsvsc (available in English and Spanish)

Additional Information Is Coming

Currently, no one has access to the online sales system (M2) and the forms and other documents have not been posted on the council website. Once additional access and resources are available, more information will be added to this site.

Fall Sale Dates & Service Unit Meetings

This calendar shows all dates for girls and troops related to the product sale. To see a list of dates (rather than the monthly layout), click the Agenda tab in the upper right corner.

Copy this calendar to your own Google Calendar by clicking the +Google Calendar button in the lower right corner.