Radford/Montgomery Fall Product Sale 2020

Fall Product Sale 2020 Banner

2020 Fall Product Sale Contact Information

Service Unit Product Sales Manager: Traci Gardner daisytroop1004@gmail.com

Ashdon Farms Customer Service: 1-800-274-3666

Online Program Site: https://gsnutsandmags.com/gsvsc (available in English and Spanish)

M2 Technical & Customer Support: question@gsnutsandmags.com, 1-800-372-8520

2020 Customer Care Contact Information

Image Transcript:

Fall Customer Care, Girl Scouts/M2 Media Group

Image shows a brown girl with brown hair in a Girl Scout uniform waving at the viewer with her left hand. A thought bubble extends from her head, and it includes the following information:

Hi! Our friendly customer service representatives are ready and waiting to answer all of your Fall Product Program questions! question@gsnutsandmags.com, (800)-372-8520. We’re happy to help!

The image footer: