Radford/Montgomery Fall Product Sale 2020
2020 Fall Product Sale Basics
What We Sell & How Much
- Nut and candy items are priced at $6, $7, $8, and $10.
- $6 donations pay for “Share Program” items for our “Care to Share” service project.
- Online sales of magazines and other items of nut and candy are priced individually. See the M2 website for more information.
- Troop profit is 15% of the sale amount on all items. Troops that opt out earn an extra 2%. That will break down as follows:
- $6 items yield 90 cents profit, and $1.02 if the troop has opted out.
- $7 items yield $1.05 profit, and $1.19 if the troop has opted out.
- $8 items yield $1.20 profit, and $1.36 if the troop has opted out.
- $10 items yield $1.50 profit, and $1.70 if the troop has opted out.
- Three theme patches fit together to show a scene featuring the Sloth. Girls earn the patches for these achievements:
(Image Transcript at bottom of the page)- Sell 2+ magazines to receive a dated theme patch (on the left).
- Sell 12+ nut/candy items to receive a tree patch (in the middle)
- Send 15+ emails to receive a theme patch (on the right).
- All girls who have orders for 5 donated items will receive a "Care to SHARE" theme patch.
- All girls will receive a custom avatar patch (similar to those shown) for meeting these online participation requirements:
- Create an avatar in the online system.
- Sell a minimum of $275.00 in total sales.
- Send 15 or more emails.
- See order card for all rewards and patches available.
Image Transcripts
Fit-Together Theme Patches
On the left: The 2020 theme patch shows the year and a sloth swimming. The patch fits below the branches of the middle patch.
In the middle: The patch features a tree, with its roots growing in water. Superimposed over the branches of the tree is the theme tagline “Bravely Be You.”
On the right: The patch shows a sloth and baby hanging below a branch, with the theme tagline “Trust Your Strengths.” The branch fits as an extension of a branch of the tree on the middle patch.
Care to Share Patch
The Care to Share patch shows a brown building with a thatched roof, a yellow door, and a blue window. Palm trees and bushes are in the background. Above the building are the words “Care to,” and below is the word “Share.”
Avatar Patches
The image shows two patches, illustrating the choices girls can make. Those who earn the patch can choose that their avatar is relaxing in a hammock (shown in the left patch) and a girl kayaking down a stream (shown in the right patch). Both patches show trees in the background, and a sloth on the left side of the patch.