Recording In Hand (INHAND) Sales

Recording Payment

Payment for In Hand sales is recorded automatically in eBudde. The image below shows the Girl Order tab for a girl in the troop. The marked sales are Girl Delivery transactions. Notice that they begin with the abbreviation “INHAND.” The payment for the cookies ($30.00) is listed in the Paid column.

Girl Transaction Screen showing Girl Delivery Payments

Assigning Cookies

You may need to assign cookies to the girl in order to finish recording the sale. The related packages of cookies are NOT assigned to the girl automatically. That is why there are zeroes in all the columns for inventory changes (Initial, GOC, Booth, Other, TGOC).

The process of recording the cookies that are sold digitally for Girl Delivery depends upon how cookies are assigned in your troop:

Girls are selling In Hand cookies at a Booth
Record the packages of cookies that you have given to the girl by following these steps:
  1. Click on the Girl Orders tab in eBudde.
  2. Click on the name of the girl who has taken the order.
  3. Click the Add Trans. button to add a transaction. A row of light green fields will appear at the bottom of the transaction window.
  4. Add the relevant information for the girl in the green fields:
    • In the Comment column, add a comment that will help you understand the transaction later.
    • In the Booth column, indicate the number of packages of cookies the girl has sold.
    • In the Paid column, indicate the money received from the In Hand sale.
  5. Click the OK button, on the lower right corner of the screen, to add the information to the list of transactions.
  6. Click the Save button, above the list of transactions, to save the transaction.

If you do not track digital In Hand booth sales separately from cash booth sales, be sure to deduct In Hand sales from your booth total when you distribute cash sales to the girls who participated in the booth sale. Otherwise, you will allocate the packages twice.

Girls have cookies on consignment and sell these In Hand cookies to the customer
If the cookies have already been allocated to the girl, you do not need to record any additional information in eBudde. The cookies have already been assigned to the girl.